April 2021 was the First
NATIONAL Native Plant Month!
In 2019, Nancy Linz, Nathan Johnson, and Hope Taft worked together to pass a law in Ohio designating the month of April as Ohio Native Plant Month. Ohio became the first State in the country to have a law designating an entire month to native plants!
In late 2019, Nancy wondered if similar legislation might be possible at the national level. She reached out to Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) to ask if he had any interest in supporting similar legislation nationally. With Senator Portman as the lead sponsor, and Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) as the co-sponsor, a resolution was approved in the senate with unanimous bipartisan support designating April 2021 as the FIRST National Native Plant Month.
The Goal: To encourage everyone across the country to celebrate native plants during the month of April by hosting educational programs, planting native trees and shrubs, removing non-native invasive plants from their yards and communities, working on pollinator projects with school children, replacing lawn areas with thriving native plant habitats, installing native gardens to supporting bees, birds, butterflies and all wildlife, and pulling together during this one month each year to make a difference by promoting the many benefits of native plants.
Since this is a Senate Resolution and not a law, it needs to renewed each year. With the retirement of Senator Portman in 2022, Senator Mike Braun (R-IN) kindly agreed to co-sponsor the renewal of this legislation with Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) in 2023 and 2024. This year, Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) kindly offered to be the lead sponsor, and Senator Hirono is the co-sponsor.
Please help spread the word and share in the celebration of native plants every April!
Senate and House Resolution in 2025
Designating April as ‘‘National Native Plant Month’’.
WHEREAS, native plants are indigenous species that have evolved alongside native wildlife and occur naturally in a particular geographic region, ecosystem, and habitat;
WHEREAS, there are more than 17,000 native plant species in the United States, which include large shade trees, understory trees, shrubs, perennials, vines, grasses, and wildflowers;
WHEREAS, native plants are essential for healthy, diverse, and sustainable ecosystems and are critical for cleaning air, filtering water, and stabilizing soils;
WHEREAS, native plants are well-adapted to specific soils, temperatures, precipitation, and environmental conditions, making them the best option for conserving and protecting our environment, and adapting to its changes;
WHEREAS, native plants provide shelter, as well as nectar, pollen, seeds, and foliage that serve as food for native butterflies, caterpillars, birds, bees, and other wildlife in ways that non-native plants cannot;
WHEREAS, more than 200 of the native plant species in the United States are estimated to have been lost since the early 19th century;
WHEREAS, habitat loss and degradation, extreme weather events, and invasive species have contributed to the decline of native plants in the United States;
WHEREAS, native plants are essential components of resilient ecosystems and our natural heritage: Now, therefore, be it
1 Resolved, That the ___(Senate/House)_____-
2 (1) designates April 2025 as “National Native Plant Month”; and
3 (2) recognizes the benefits of native plants to the environment and the economy of the United States.